Book Title: Waging Peace and War: Dean Rusk in the Truman, Kennedy and Johnson Years
Edition: 1st Edition
Author: Thomas J. Schoenbaum
Book Description: An important biography of one of the most dominant but least understood 20th-century American public figures. For almost a generation Rusk exerted significant influence over decisions of war and peace. Heretofore, historians have drawn a one-dimensional portrait of Rusk and his prosecution of the Vietnam conflict. This study emphasizes Rusk's influence on many other questions of national and international importance. An unbiased account of the secrets to Rusk's advancements as well as his foibles.
Product Details:
- Publisher : Simon & Schuster; First Edition (June 1, 1988)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 592 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0671603515
- ISBN-13 : 978-0671603519
- Item Weight : 2 pounds
- UNSPSC-Code : 55101500