Book Title: Tofi’s Fire Dance: An Extraordinary African Story.
Book Series: Real African Stories Series
Edition: Uload Edition
Edition Format: EPUB with Adobe Encryption
Author: Pusch Komiete Commey
Illustrations: Innocent Dembetembe
Book Description:
Nii, a young boy from the West Coast of Africa stows away on a ship to the land of dreams, The United Sates of America. He is thrown away to white sharks for breakfast by the crew of a ship called Xeno. Protected by a mysterious rainbow fish, he washes up on the shores of the Zulu Kingdom in South Africa and meets Tofi, a Zulu maiden. After a misunderstanding over language and culture he is accepted into the cattle herding nation. He teaches the Zulus how to fish because "Sea Never Dry ." They, in turn, teach him about cows because "Cattle is wealth." When Nii has to go home, Tofi fights for his return. She is compelled to go on a pulsating search for the magic rainbow fish , and has to dance in fire.
IT IS ALWAYS A JOY TO READ a book about African society, folktales, cultures and traditions aimed at children. This is what Tofi's Fire Dance achieves as it shows a group of African children in a healthy environment listening to their great, great grandmother pass their family history down to them. Gogo Tofi, the great grandmother, is nearing her last days but before her time is up, she takes it upon herself to inform the future generation about the pride and joy their history carries. It is a story which shows the cultural relationship between Ghana and the Zulu people of South Africa, through the adventures of a young Ghanaian man by the name of Nii.
Excellently illustrated, this is a book parents in the diaspora should read and share with their children for its message of unity.
Product Details:
- ISBN : 978-0-9870347-4-8
- ISBN: 9781624884627
- Publisher : Real African Books; Uload edition
- Publication date : November 09, 2021
- Language : English
- File size : 3261 KB
- Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
- Text-to-Speech : Enabled
- Screen Reader : Supported
- Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
- X-Ray : Not Enabled
- Word Wise : Enabled
- Print length : 63 pages
- Lending : Enabled